Surnames of Middle East
โข version: public โข created: Mid-2024
This post explores the most common surnames across the Middle East through wordcloud visualisation. Outer boundaries of this region has many definitions, depending on classification purpose, classifying organization, historical period. Here, it includes selected countries of Western Asia (the European portion of Tรผrkiye is shown), Southern Asia, and Northern Africa from "UN M49, Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (Series M, No. 49)" โ. Political boundaries shown according to their "de facto" status โ. Data came from โ.
Charts and figures
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Fig 1. Surnames of Middle East.
Read more about local naming customs at's wiki โ: Afghanistan Naming Customs โ, Kuwait Naming Customs โ, State of Palestine Naming Customs โ, etc. Also, for some countries and regions you can find academic papers that explain how names were forming there.
Fig 2. Surnames of Middle East, by country.
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